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Author: LatinTraveler Subject: Lima Peru

Posts: 1
Registered: 04-24-2006

posted on 04-24-2006 at 00:39 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Lima Peru

I just visited Peru, I can't say enough about the Lima Peru. The women were so much more beautiful in person then on the Internet. I have been to seven different countries and I can honestly say the Peru women are the best. The whole trip was so well organized and the staff was fantastic, the best trip I have ever taken. If you really want a sincere beautiful woman with the best character you can find in a woman, then you need to visit Lima Peru.

Mark T.
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posted on 09-21-2006 at 11:39 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Maybe it has changed but I was there in 1999 and it was pathetic. My four days were horrible, and I thought the women were average at best. I was so glad to get back to the U.S.
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posted on 11-30-2007 at 13:28 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Lima is great!

You should try it again; Lima is great, safe, beautiful and inexpensive. Make sure to stay in Miraflores Area. I just got back last week, The women are very very sincere, not is hot as the Russian or Ukriane women but they are some of the nicest women you will every meet.

Here is a photo I took from the AFA office

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posted on 07-18-2009 at 20:31 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Danno, I have been to Lima Peru many times, one of my favorite places. Yes there are many average girls, But there are still many hot girls in Lima. But the best thing a bout Peru women is they are the most honest, sincere and devoted women anywhere. I have never met a more hardworking caring people anywhere. Not lazy or spoiled at all.
Where did you look? Bars are never the place to look for the nice girls.
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Lima Peru