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Author: jagojago Subject: Apart from the woman, which country?

Posts: 2
Registered: 10-27-2011

posted on 10-27-2011 at 12:15 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Apart from the woman, which country?

Let's say I'm looking for quality of life and somewhere warm to surf. I speak some Spanish and I fancy living somewhere out of the way of economic turmoil, looking for an alternative citizenship as well as normal women.
Where to go? This is hypothetical and for fun.

- Costa Rica: Great surf, nice women. Possibly sold out too much to USA?
- Brazil. Great surf, great women, rising economy due to hacking into the rainforest. Win. Speaking to Brazillians with thier passport they still get treat like crap in Western countries.
- Chile: surf isn't that great but can do business here more easily than Brazil.
- Argentina: surf is rubbish.
- Oman: Women of religious value. Too hot?
- India: Surf only in the south... Indian women are becoming as bad as western women?
- Indonesia: Great women, rising econony, beautiful place, great surf.
- Japan: Sounds a bit busy for me!
- Mexico: Great surf, Spanish is easy, rising economy... too dependant on USA and the dollar?
- South Africa: hmm, not sure

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Apart from the woman, which country?