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Author: admin Subject: A Foreign Affair's Open House
Senior Member

Posts: 84
Registered: 08-03-2005
Location: Santa Monica, CA.

posted on 02-07-2006 at 09:31 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
A Foreign Affair's Open House

You're Invited To A Foreign Affair Open House and Foreign Dating Seminar To be held at our International Headquarters:

7227 N. 16th Street, Suite 240
Phoenix, AZ
Thursday February 9th, 2006
7pm - 9:30pm
(800) 576-3367

Discover what all the fuss over Russian, Ukrainian and Latin Women is all about! Learn the secrets of American men who have successfully found their lovely foreign brides! Discuss with international experts, whether meeting a foreign bride is right for you!

This Free Seminar will feature:

Kenneth Agee - Co-Owner of - the world's largest and most successful internet-based international dating and marriage agency!
Elena- From Russian Bride Guide ( )
Mrs Jones -Our highly successful Immigration Attorney - and a Russian bride herself!
Steve Bauer - AFA's Tour Coordinator with views on tours and destinations.

Also included in this seminar:

A Tour of our Phoenix Headquarters!

US Marriage Broker Act and how it affects you!

Foreign Bride Scams - and how to avoid them!

Immigration attorney Jones speaks on Immigration procedures!

Various other informative discussions!

You'll also sample some traditional Russian food and drinks - and all participants will receive a special "prize" as a show of our appreciation!

If you've considered meeting a lovely foreign bride, someone who shares your values, and who does not value you based solely upon material factors - then this is one seminar you cannot afford to miss!

AFA Office, Phoenix, AZ's Open House

International Dating Seminar Thursday, February 9th, 2006

7:00pm to 9:30pm

7227 North 16th St. Suite 240
Phoenix, Arizona

Call (800) 576-3367 and take the first step towards changing your life today!

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