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Author: mikenugs Subject: Hotel Caribe
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Posts: 13
Registered: 07-02-2004

posted on 05-13-2005 at 22:16 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Hotel Caribe

FYI if you plan on staying in the Hotel Caribe, they treat all female guest as prostitutes.
For some reason they assume all Colombian females are prostitutes and treat them this way when they enter the Hotel. If you bring a female guest to the Hotel she will be very offended. If you want to bring a guest in to the hotel they charge about $50.00 to do so. With this $50 charge it is cheaper to stay at the Hilton where they treat women with respect. Or better yet I suggest staying in an apartment, it is nicer then the hotel Caribe, The security at the apartment buildings are much friendlier and they will treat all guest with respect. Plus you will save $50 per night over the Hotel Caribe’s fee.
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Registered: 02-28-2004

posted on 05-13-2005 at 22:21 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Hotel sucks

I agree, I just got back with a group and everyone was offended by way they treat women. Unbelievable. I could not even bring my date in for lunch. And she was a 34 year old doctor.
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Registered: 10-04-2005
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posted on 10-04-2005 at 22:18 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I have stayed at the hotel Caribe twice now and it will be my last. When I ordered the reservation I stated one person will stay in the hotel. Then they charged me extra when she wanted to stay over ??? That makes no sence it is the exact same room. Most of the service is ok the wait staff the maids are all good. Its just the doorman who are I assume told to stop and check to see if you bring women to your hotel room. Unprofesional in my opinion.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By mikenugs (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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