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Author: drmeadowsny Subject: Is A Foreign Affair a Scam?

Posts: 71
Registered: 04-12-2013

posted on 06-17-2013 at 14:47 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Is A Foreign Affair a Scam?

A Foreign Affair has been hosting tours around the world for over 17 years and has successfully helped its clients avoid scams by taking a proactive approach to safety and security.

A Foreign Affair hosts tours to places like Ukraine, Costa Rica, and Thailand, offering singles all over the world to meet, mingle and fall in love.....

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Posts: 36
Registered: 04-25-2020

posted on 06-23-2020 at 11:15 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
I do not believe A Foreign Affair is a scam

Because of COVID-19, I have not been able to take the AFA tour to Cebu as I'd planned. I have not yet taken a tour with them, but I will explain how I am quite certain the company is not only legitimate but also the class of the industry.

I have yet to find another website with the overwhelming amount of information about tours and client satisfaction as, the website of A Foreign Affair. Thousands of pages exist for anyone to access and learn about the company, not only the business-side of them but also the individuals of the company. Starting CEO John Adams, he is found everywhere on the subject of foreign dating and tours, since the mid 1990's. He has been interviewed by everyone from Dr. Phil to Oprah, with many videos where he describes precisely what the company does.

Also, A Foreign Affair has a formal office in every city on their tour schedule. Not only can you contact the tour city office, but also the AFA home office in Phoenix Arizona. This means you can speak to a live person at every office, or just walk in.

Lastly, the company has existed for over twenty years. Their footprint has been consistant and well received. I have not found that to be true for other dating or tour companies.

Yes, A Foreign Affair is legitimate, and as soon as air travel restrictions beging to lift, I will be flying to the Philippines for an AFA tour.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By drmeadowsny (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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