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Author: jorgemendez Subject: Ponders...truth or lies?

Posts: 2
Registered: 10-22-2012

posted on 10-22-2012 at 00:28 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Ponders...truth or lies?

Hello, I'm new to this site and wanted to get your opinion on a situation with a Russian website. friend recently signed-up for a russian site. He is corresponding to a few woman online, however, the truth is not spoken. I know this for a fact, I live with the man. Not my husband nor lover, just a roomate who helps pay the bills. He prints out every email and leaves them. He has a single-russian woman with a child who he has been communicating and she is very serious about him, yet he has told her FAR from the truth!! So here is where I ponder...I have her email address, do I send an email with the information I know to be the truth or ??? Thank you for your comments ~Nirra
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posted on 10-26-2012 at 13:25 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

I would NOT suggest you send an email to the woman telling her the truth.

The IDEAL approach should be to talk to HIM. You should just say that you noticed his printed emails and started looking at them and couldn't help but notice this.

The important part is that he understands that trying to make himself out to be something he is not will only hurt him in the future. If he ends up developing a real relationship with this woman and really wants to pursue some thing serious, she will eventually find out about his lies.

So, I would say that you should talk to him. Emailing the woman will only cause major problems between him and her, as well as between him and you.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By Tommypong (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 11-06-2012 at 05:58 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Thank you!

Thank you Tommy for the response. I have tried the approach of talking to my roomie, but he refuses to understand that he is playing with someone feelings. Like you said, if they ever do meet, she will most definitely know the TRUTH!
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By Nirra (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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posted on 11-15-2012 at 10:40 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
probably best

these situations are very hard because you want to say something and make everyone aware of the situation so that it will all be better in the long run, but you have to stay out of it unless they ask, for your input.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By Tommypong (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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posted on 06-25-2020 at 11:26 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
I would email her and tell the truth

Maybe just me, email her and give up the roomy!
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By konaoutrigger (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member

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Registered: 09-22-2020
Location: San Antonio Texas

posted on 09-29-2020 at 11:38 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Single Russian woman with a child

To me, family is everything. To hear your room mate lying to a single Russian woman and mother makes me not like your room mate. The child is much more important in this story than the room mate, the mother, or the post person. The child is the reason to tell the Russian woman the truth. The child.
View User's Profile E-Mail User View All Replies By jorgemendez (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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